3284 Cove Bend Dr. Suite 1 Tampa, FL 33613

Testosterone Injections:
Injections are one of the most widely used methods of testosterone replacement therapy. It involves injecting Testosterone into intramuscularly (into a muscle), or subcutaneously (into a fatty tissue).
Depending on your provider, your condition, your levels and symptoms, injections are typically injected weekly, bi-weekly or more on some occasions.
There are multiple types of Testosterone esters that can be prescribed, the most common being Testosterone Cypionate. Others include Testosterone Enanthate, Propionate and Undecanoate.
They provide a relatively steady release of testosterone into the bloodstream.
Testosterone can be self-injected at home or in-office by your provider.
Testosterone cream or gel: (Transdermal)
Both topical products are similar to one another, with slight differences.
Transdermal or topical Testosterone is an excellent alternative to injections, if a patient is uncomfortable with the injections and it may be a more convenient route for some individuals.
Both cream & gel can be applied topically to your upper arms, shoulders, or abdomen.
Testosterone cream can be applied to the scrotum when prescribed with the appropriate compound base.
Both topical products are absorbed through the skin, then enter directly into the bloodstream.
Testosterone cream can be applied once or twice daily, while gel is typically applied only once daily, usually in the morning.
Skin irritation and transfer risk are potential concerns, especially transmission to women and children.

Buccal Testosterone tablets:
Buccal Testosterone tablets come in a tablet shaped patch, which is typically applied to the upper gum, above the left/right incisors.
Buccal tablets are applied twice a day around the same time every day, and although the patch softens and molds to the shape of your gums, it must be removed after 12 hours.
This method is an great alternative to injections and transdermal therapy, to avoid the potential issues associated with skin irritation or transfer.
Buccal administration may cause irritation to the gums or mouth.
Testosterone Pellets (Implant therapy)
Testosterone pellet therapy is a method of Testosterone replacement where pellets are inserted into the upper outer buttock. This requires a minor surgical procedure, done in office, and does not require any hospital stay.
One application or insertion can last anywhere between 3-6 months.
Pellet therapy or implant therapy provides a steady release of testosterone into the bloodstream.
There are reduced fluctuations, minimized peaks and troughs in hormone levels, and this method can lead to a more consistent stability in Testosterone levels, mood and relief.
This method of Testosterone replacement is convenient for patients who do not wish to inject weekly or apply transdermal therapy daily.
If you are unsure what method of Testosterone replacement therapy works best for you, it is essential that you discuss with your healthcare provider. There are many factors that that come into play when choosing the method that works best for you, and that might include the cost of therapy, medication history, health history, preference or lifestyle.
If you have questions about therapies available for you, reach out to Ever Changing Wellness at 813.666.1366 or email us at info@everchangingwell.com